BLOG on Litigation Support and eDiscovery Industry

Your eDiscovery Hosting Services Crash Course

Every year, our project managers and document review experts receive hundreds of questions from law firms and corporate legal departments about eDiscovery hosting services. We are proud to be a reliable source of information for these talented professionals.

In this explainer, our technicians will outline how electronic discovery can be one of the most effective solutions for fast and cost-efficient data collection, document review, and production during litigation. We will also list the differences between hosted and managed services to help our clients figure out which one will suit their needs. If you are looking for automated and expert-driven eDiscovery-hosted data review and hosting services, contact us at Key Discovery for a free consultation.

litigation support software

What’s Involved in eDiscovery Hosting Services?

Research from Thales reveals that over 50% of corporate data worldwide now live on the internet, a sharp increase from 30% in 2015. Billions of individuals leave traces of their daily activities online, and this data is sensitive and could be potentially incriminating after contextualization.

Electronic discovery is a new development in litigation assistance that helps law firms and corporate legal departments scour through billions of video files, audio clips, voicemail messages, company databases, presentations, documents, websites, and emails for case-relevant information.

Electronically stored information, otherwise known as ESI, can span millions of terabytes, making legal research time-consuming, labor-intensive, and sometimes impossible without professional help. However, most forms of digital evidence contain metadata with recipient information, time-date stamps, and post authors, which are highly relevant for litigation purposes.

Key Discovery offers eDiscovery hosting services and data review, which helps lawyers, litigation assistants, and legal research teams to perform document tagging, advanced searches, data organization, document production, and redactions more efficiently. We can also offer legal teams data access through Office 365, Reveal, Relativity, and other programs they might be more familiar using.

eDiscovery data hosting services involve routine backups and implementing certified security measures to safeguard sensitive information from bad actors. It also requires proactive indexing, which grants lawyers access to relevant information faster. Key Discovery can offer clients the following benefits:

  • Access to experienced security experts and licensed database technicians
  • Reliable, responsive, and robust data storage and software
  • Bulletproof disaster recovery procedures with virtual copies of your data through backups
  • Virtual business continuity
  • AI solutions and in-house analytical tools

Common Questions to Ask About eDiscovery Hosting

Why Do I Need eDiscovery Hosting Services?

eDiscovery hosting services is a burgeoning industry, and only a few companies can offer it with a high level of competence. The foremost goal of hosting data for eDiscovery is to create a core volume of relevant and searchable information that legal teams can use for litigation. It is merely a virtual version of a document review department, but instead of sifting through hard copies of potentially admissible documents, paralegals look through electronically stored information.

Can Companies Like Key Discovery Alter Data?

Individuals and companies can alter electronic data with methods that can be challenging to detect or trace, but our technicians at Key Discovery pride themselves on 100% accuracy and data cleanliness. A few parts of a website or corporate database might show virus infections, missing data from previous hacks, or corruption. We present electronically stored information to clients as-is with no alterations.

When a legal team deems an electronic document contains case-relevant information, we will place it under a legal hold. No one can make erasures, modifications, and redactions to it without clearance from the court. We will extract the selected file and index it into a secure database as we cull irrelevant terabytes of information from the aggregate repository.

Are eDiscovery Hosting Services Expensive?

eDiscovery hosting can save you money or entail millions of dollars in unnecessary expenses, depending on how you use it. At Key Discovery, we recommend partnering with one experienced firm instead of building a dispersed patchwork of databases, software, and vendors to execute a workflow. Third-party eDiscovery hosting and data review will always be more cost-efficient than training and allocating paralegals to create a new department within your organization.

Centralizing your data by working with a single vendor will allow you to keep tabs on your documents, manage risks better, and access more types of information without jumping through software and hardware incompatibilities. Our technicians create standardized and simplified workflows for hundreds of lawyers annually, helping them leverage their work hours and operating expenses to grow their practice.

eDiscovery Hosted Review Benefits

You Work with Experienced Professionals

Hosted document review professionals allow lawyers to complete their discovery process while working on multiple cases, setting up interviews with witnesses, and chasing alternate sources of information. Experienced professionals make all this possible through TAR or technology-assisted review and converting files to space-saving and easily searchable static formats like PDFs and TIFF.

You Gain a Better Understanding of Your Data

Our professionals can explain how a piece of electronic data could be relevant to your legal strategy. They can also provide you with data about their review activities, allowing you to enhance and streamline their workflow as your cases develop.

You Get a Complete Suite of End-to-End Services

Centralized eDiscovery hosting services and document review managers can help you analyze, search, process, tag, review, produce and consolidate documents using software solutions that can expedite work that will ordinarily take paralegals days to complete.

What Is Hosted Document Review

eDiscovery-hosted data review is the process of finding critical evidence for complex litigations using in-house or third-party software to search a database. Localized and secure data hosting helps law firms and corporate legal departments comply with data regulations, like HIPAA, and Sarbanes-Oxley, and SOX, while offering contract attorneys and in-house counsel access to case-relevant information.

Searching, tagging, and analytics tools from firms like Key Discovery can sort through millions of terabytes of electronically stored information to find documents, posts, and pictures that could be relevant to litigation.

Contact Key Discovery to learn more about eDiscovery hosting services and how professional document review and production can help you cost-effectively conduct your discovery process. Call us at 617-348-9360 and get a free consultation.  Plus we encourage you to visit Datamine Discovery, an affiliate company who has loads of eDiscovery related resources and hosted data review news.

eDiscovery Consulting help

We Can Help You With eDiscovery Hosted Review

We are here to help attorneys, law firms and corporate legal departments who deal with hosted review and need a second set of hands.  Give us a call at 617-348-9360 and let’s see how we can be of assistance.